Find Us
On-street parking is available. Closest tube: Kew Gardens on District Line
Closest bus stop: is 110 Richmond-Hammersmith (stop at Lawn Crescent)
Please note that there are parking restrictions between 10 noon Monday to Friday.
297 Sandycombe Rd
Kew, Richmond
London, TW9 3LU - 0208 940 0014
Opening hours
Monday-Friday: 8:30am–6:30pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

During normal working hours
If possible phone the surgery on 0208 940 0014 to inform the surgery of your arrival. Otherwise, come straight down to the surgery – there is normally a vet on site or nearby.
Outside normal working hours
Our emergencies are covered by our 24Hour Vetcare team at Elizabeth Street Veterinary Clinic, 55 Elizabeth Street, Belgravia, London, SW1W 9PP.
If possible call them in advance on 020 7730 9102 so they can prepare for your arrival.